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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  October 31, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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or 8:00 a.m. it's -- p.m. it's going to be wet just about all the way across the area, wet, breezy. those conditions you're going to have to celebrate your halloween evening. we'll have a look in the accu-weather forecast. >> we'll see you then. >> got to get trick or treating dup early. >> now, the giants victory celebration, how much fun was this? >> an estimated million people came to honor the world series champions. they packed civic center for a party. >> that was the show stopper for me. john miller and dave fleming going gangman style. then giants style took over. when the team made their way onto the stage.
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nice assignment there, care yes lynn. she begins our team coverage. >> it was sweet. look behind me. you can see tear down and clean up have begun but it was a fantastic program from start to finish, sunny at times, alls moving. i don't think fans could have asked for more. take a look. they got to see bruce bochy coming out with a world series trophy. there was the mayor, ed lee giving larry bayer the keys to the city. and a golden broom to commemorate the sweep of the tigers. it was always, always, about the fans. >> thank you for always being there. i thank you.
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and thank you for making this one of the greatest moments of my life. thank you. >> we went to st. louis. they weren't as loud as you. that is why we won. thank you very much. i want everyone to lose your mind as we do this. this is how we did it. loork look. look. loork! >> sharing that pep rally taking the fans into the dugout was a very special moment. as was how the program ended. tony ben yet singing "i left my heart in san francisco"
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then the song "we are the champions" was being played. i saw people crying. such a great day. the giants president says hey, can we do this again every october? live at civic center abc 7 news. >> what a party that was. >> i think they're going to need that golden broom on the streets. >> yes. this began on market street. of course. and as larry mentioned just tons of confetti out there. >> we heard carolyn tyler reverence the tony ben yet song, so emotion for everybody. let's listen in to that. let's go to wayne freedman who is live still probably on market street now. >> market street looks like a love tornado going on. take a look at the graffiti.
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here comes the fire department. people still celebrating. this is going to have to pass for fall leaves on halloween night. a meeting, here is how it looks earlier. what a crowd. what a ferver. one girl skipped school told us she had world series fever, maybe a million people shared this ailment. only one cure, let's hear from will clark and tim lincecum. >> it's fun to come out here to see fans that are supporting us all year long. two years out of the three we've got world champions. >> what are you feeling from the group? >> a lot of pride. i'm having fun today, baby.
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>> this is a special moment. i was pretty tired this morning but i'm awake now. >> so i would say the party is over. but down here looking at the people the way they're making this go on, this party is not over. this is like having a new year's eve party. people are staying and staying. and staying. we're staying. too. >> thank you. we'll see you then. >> i promise you, tony ben yet you're going to get tony ben yet. this was a crowning moment there. the classic from tony ben yet.
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-- bennett. singing the song "i left my heart in san francisco". >> there are no specific reports of vandalism related to the parade. someone did open fire. abc 7 news is live with details on that. >> we're on levenworth at turk. this is an active crime scene. the intersection is blocked off. victims clothing is in the intersection. police tell us there are two hispanic males, 18 and 23 years old. both taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries. the 18-year-old shot in the head. the 23-year-old in the torso. there is no information on a suspect or suspects right now.
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the gang task force is here. police aren't sure if it had anything to do with the parade. a witness told us he heard a fight going on in the streets with lots of people involved. looked and saw someone shoot a shiny gun that. witness was whisked away from us, quickly by police. so part of the intersection is closed with civic center celebrations breaking up there has been quite a bit of traffic here. it doesn't seem to be backing up too badly. again, police investigating a double shooting with life threatening injuries, two victims taken to the hospital. not sure if it had anything to do with the parade. live in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> thank you. now, four of the 36 people arrested during rioting that followed the world series
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clinching victory face felony charges. the violence included burning of a muni bus and running showdowns with police after bonfires were set in the mission. the district attorney says they will be prosecuted. the city attorney is promising to file suits and collect damages. now to sandy's siege in the northeast is waning but the damage still being assessed and digested. >> take a look. this is the connecticut side of the long island sound. it is being blamed for 59 deaths, damage estimates into 20 million dollar range. >> death toll now stands at 61. early figures estimate property damage could reach $20 billion. almost 6.5 million homes and businesses are still without power. >> four million of those outages in nork and new
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jersey. two of the three airports now back open. kennedy and newark. la guardia remains closed. limited subway service expected to resume tomorrow. limb yitd amtrak service is up and running throughout the new jersey corridor. >> brandy hicks has the latest now. >> in new jersey an unimaginable site. natural gas fires burn in the shore community where homes have collapsed. some have been tossed off their foundation. >> further you go down, the houses are gone. >> president obama toured the devastation with governor chris christie. the board walk is in ruins. >> looks like this pier was lifted by the ocean. >> when they arrived it means i've never seen water high, high as that. six, seven feet. >> in new york work continues to remove several feet of water from flooded subway tunnels.
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and mayor bloomberg rang the opening bell. much of lower manhattan is still without power. damage from sand gee also wide spread throughout the city. families had to be rescued from flood waters and in roc rockaways, the full extent of the destruction could be seen. a search underway for two brothers ages two and four who became separated from their mother when their car was submerged. strong winds and rain and snow continued to taus damage. the storm moves north. power is returning to millions on the east coast. >> you can make a donation to american red cross, text red cross to 90999 to donate $10. you can also call 1-800-red cross or just go to our web site for a link to the web site.
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your support will make sure people have shelter, warm meals and hope. >> still head on abc 7 news, get ready for those trick or treaters. just ahead early start some kids got in the east bay. >> ipad mini begins shipping on friday. what experts are saying in our bloomberg after the bell report. >> michael finney will take your questions and answer them here live a little later. >> at 4:00:11 p.m. parade wednesday. check out the skyways. >> why isn't it always like this? >> a lot of people took mass transit today. some people just didn't go to work. that is why you have smooth sailing in both destructions. -- directions. stay with us. abc 7 news at 4:00 continues in just a moment.
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sky 7 live over city streets now. you're looking at howard. it's really congested trying to get out of san francisco now. just a moment ago we showed you traffic light on the skyway. it's dichb for people trying to make their way out of san francisco post parade and victory celebrations.. >> we found out where the cars are. >> here they are. >> it's halloween. and the trick or treating has begun. abc 7 news joins us live tonight where a costume party is underway. nick you're not in costume.
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>> but i've got to get to cuteness around me. what is your name? >> mariam. >> these little kids are getting ready for 7th annual trick or treat party. there is a party after. i had a chance to check in with other trick or treaters trying to get it done before the rain started. take a look. this is the time of the year when super heroes, ghouls and monsters come together to collect candy. these cost yumz belong to boys and girls children center. they canvased for streets and all smiles, they showed me who they were for halloween. across town time for the students at st. paul episcopal school to show us what they're made of. most opting to make the costumes for a personal touch. >> we got them bound and we've
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got this. >> take a look at the outfit. creative, right? green hair and a bird. notice how his shirt is darker than pants? that is because top part is wet. the ground, pants are dry. he's earth boy. all boys doing their trick or treating early. they wanted to make sure they had their goodies before rains started. there is a little bit of rain starting to come down now. here the shop owners will hand out candy. i've got a special helper. what are you going to sing? >> happy halloween. >> isn't that cute? >> thank you. >> they're adorable. >> thank you. thank you. >> that is fantastic. there is plenty to do.
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we have a list of events taking place and have highlighted events that are kid friendly. we love to see your photos you can e mail them to you report at k kb. >> new york stock exchange is back in business after a two day shut down. >> nicole lapin joins us with today's after the bell report. hi, nicole. >> good afternoon, guys. net flix is the latest target of activists for carl icon. with a long history of pushing for changes at companies he invested in. he's acquired 5.5 million shares of net flix now. roughly 10% of the company. he writes he thinks net flix might be a prime takeover target. the news sent stocks soaringing. -- soaring. zillow is expanding and
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scooping up new york based buyfolio that allows home buyers to track and discuss their listing. and research in motion now says 50 wireless carriers started testing phones. carriers testing may take from two to three months and that news sent shares up more than 4%. and the ipad mini starts shipping friday. reviews are starting to pour in. he writes ipad mini is quote pretty thin and crazy light. he says it lacks ultrasharp display of the ipad but the display is pretty accurate and that is a device offering few surprises for anyone ever using an ipad. stocks bouncing up and down,
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ending the day mixed. markets reopen today. of course after hurricane sandy caused longest weather related shut down since 1888. mayor bloomberg rang opening bell. officials trying to show the city and markets are ready to resume. they're strong they're going to do business. your bloomberg silicon valley index closing lower. and some people without power mobile is the link to the outside world. massive power outages caused millions of people to get creative. take a look. getting phones and other devices charged on a satellite truck in the middle of new york city. others going to malls and restaurants. once charged not all are
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working. that is the thing. fcc says the storm knocked out 25% of the cell and cable towers in 10 states. so... be grateful for charges. i suppose in san francisco. larry, carolyn, back to you guys.. >> we're so dependent on the devices. it's brutal. we're seeing a change in weather. >> we are. i'd be happy if the rain held off for the parade. not such good news. it's going to be wet foremost of us. here is a live view looking eastward towards east bay. it's gray out there. you can't see clearly, but off to the bottom left there is a portion of downtown. you can see there is a large mass the moisture in the north bay now. it's raining over a wide
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expansion pans in santa rosa. rain sweeping down through snonla county beginning to touch parts of northern marin and corners of napa county. it's all in the north bay now moving towards golden gate. other parts are cloudy. temperatures mild at the moment. cool up in santa rosa. 57 degrees and low to mid 60s in all other parts of the bay area, forecast features it's going to be a rainy night. showers lingering tomorrow morning. then clearing into afternoon. we'll have a subsunny, warmer weekend ahead. satellite radar shows the approach of the gold front bringing us wet weather. it's going to be wet. overnight. right now, looking at wet, breezy conditions foremost of the bay area overnight. we'll start at 7:00 at which point rain will be pushing to get beyond the golden gate.
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parts of the east bay like over mount concord then starting to sweep farther south ward and eastward. by 10:00 going to be wet. ak in the morning there will be trailing showers behind the front. wettest area rb down into the south bay and santa cruz mountains. then, later if the day we'll see showers give twig partial clearing. by evening should be all over. rainfall totals could be impressive. north bay up to an inch of rain. low temperatures tonight under cloudy, rainy conditions, mainly into mid-50s, mild overnight. then tomorrow mainly into 60s
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tomorrow, might get a degree or two warmer, down near monterey bay will be slow to clear will be cool. highs into 60s. here is the accu-weather forecast. nice, warm and dry over the weekend. warm monday, high temperatures into low 80s inland. flag waving under sunny skies. mild conditions. >> terrific. >> we'll take it. >> yes. yes. >> it turns out super storm sandy affecting heidi klum. >> what the super model is forced to postpone until christmas coming up next
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tailor swift breaks more records and brad pitt makes a big donation. >> every year, super model heidi klum throws a big halloween party. this year, she's forced to cancel. klum known for the party, and she's all bundled up in the cold and seen in this picture, hope you and your loved ones are safe after the storm. canceling my party. postponing to a haunted christmas.
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actor brad pitt just donated 100,000ses today the human rights campaign. the donation will help support same-sex marriage initiatives in several states. >> tailor swift performed on "dancing with the stars" and found out her album, red, had the biggest sales week for an album in a decade, selling 1.2 million copies. she tweeted how is this real life? you're unreal, i love you so much, thanks a million. for all of your music, movie ask tv news go to >> the giants victory parade is over. hundreds of thousands of people trying to make their way out of the city.
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>> also, from uprooted trees to flooded subways dramatic affects from sandy. we'll have the latest. >> plus latest on the race to the white house. campaign moves into high gear on
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what a party. it's meft mated more than a million people packed streets to see the giants honored. >> abc 7 news was among them, he's live for us now from montgomery street. don? >> montgomery and market. take a look. traffic back to normal. the sea is almost clean. there is very little residue left. they started cleaning up and balloons and other debris. they've had this pretty much back to normal. take a look at earlier today. this intersection who knows how many people were lined up. perhaps a million or more as you indicated. it was a display of enthusiasm and affection, fans got up early to get here in time to get a good place to watch. it seems no matter age, there
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have been fans from the time the team first came to town. >> i've been to all of them. in 68. it was here in 2010. and 2012. >> we're really good. i like how they came back. it was -- they didn't quit. just kept doing it, going on and on. >> is this the best team you've seen? >> yeah, yeah. best giants team. >> he used to send me baseballs in the mail. >> yes. that is my daughter, she's been a fan, i don't know, however. she loves to watch the games. who doesn't? you just find it everywhere. parade was exciting people cheered and didn't want to leave. you can see it covers all
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ages. i talked to some of the players. they said the same thing. it's mutual. they really understand how much fans enjoy them. >> don a little bit hoarse there. >> yes. yes. >> i don't know if he has anymore family he wants to put on television. >> now, the giants parade is over. big issue for fans is leaving the city or trying to. abc 7 news is live on the embarcadero with a look at what's happening there right now. >> that is right. we understand the area was sold out this morning. no marking to be had around it. take a look. i'm going to get you dizzy here looking down this line. it snakes down by the ferry building going down a block or so, snakes back up this way. so lines up to get on to the ferry to vallejo this, is the
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line to get onto the vallejo ferry. crazy situation. a lot of the people have at least a two-hour wait. >> very, very long. yes. >> how long? >> very long. >> don't skrks huh? >> it was all well worth it. >> yes. yes. >> giants energy still surged through the city with fans infused with the excitement of the day. people squeezed on, trying to board already jammed eastbound trains.. >> we're trying to get them to squeeze in towards the middle. they hang around the door. no troubles no problems whatever. it's amazing. no problems at all. at all. >> we got up at 5:00 in the morning to get to the parade but it's worth it. again. giants.
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2012ed. bart ran long trains. it's quite a crowded, congested scene now. as you see on the streets this line gos and goes. i've walked up and down and talked to everybody. you can't find an unhappy person here, there is still cheering to everyone says two-hour wait is worth it. >> it was a fantastic celebration, you can see it or watch it over again tonight at 7:00 on abc 7 news. digital channel 7.2 or 7.3. that rebroadcast beginning at 7:00 p.m. >> bay area newspapers are honoring a world series champ. there is a front page in
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today's san jose mercury news, oakland tribune and contra costa times. look inside page three of the section. these newspapers will have a special commemorative session, section rather in this sunday's edition november 5th. >> want to keep those for years. >> the sun came out today bringing some brightness to the lives of millions of people impacted by super storm sandy. those areas are getting most of the attention sandy hit several states really hard. those mid lat lantic states took the brunt of the wrath but didn't quit there. in connecticut homes along long island sound took a beating. the surge so devastated atlantic coast not sparing residents there.
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>> if i looked and it was churning up, it's nerve wracking. >> the image up and down the east coast repeated again. beach front homes washed away or in ruins. >> this is sickening. this is memories just washed away. >> from maryland some areas got two feet of snow. to west virginia the affects wallopped eight states with blizzard conditions. in the mid west all about the wend. lake michigan churning up waves in cleveland they're cleaning up. >> i just wanted to tell my boss i'm not playing hooky. a tree did fall. >> so many there still without power. >> sandy's force knows no
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boundaries. that it could soon happen every three to 20 years. scott goldberg nork. >> new jersey governor christie signed an order postponing halloween until monday night. he says storm damage simply makes it too dangerous for children to go trick or treating and says police are too busy to respond to problems. >> still to come a campaign moves into high gear. what is next? >> today's 7 on your side is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions so you can contact me at finney abc 7. i'll answer questions right here live in just a little bit.
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>> from our south beach camera looking along the bay bridge, you can see clouds ahead of the rain. get out your umbrellas. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> taking a look at traffic right now, this is the mcarthur maze. the camera in emoriville is a little bit slow going for drivers. heading east on 80. perhaps better for drivers there on the right side of the screen.
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want to give you a live look at the situation in san francisco. sky 7 overhead, you can see people snaking their way and they're waiting for the ferry. folks were in town for the giants celebration maybe a million people came into the city now they're trying to get home. perhaps a two-hour wait but everybody is just going grin and bear it and smile. >> they did what they're supposed to do. taking public transit. >> yes. yes. >> northeast begins to clean up, presidential campaigns are starting back up. >> mark matthews joins us where where they are today. >> president dealing with response the storm damage in new jersey. mitt romney spent day in florida. he holds a slim advantage.
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the final sprint both candidates are angling and president obama has the biggest advantage. he's got the power of the presidency. off the campaign trail for the third day, the president surveyed damage along a 60 mile stretch of the jersey shore, traveling with him, chris christie. >> we're here for you. we will not forget. we'll follow up to make sure you that get all of the help that you need until you rebuilt. >> the president and chris christie are unlikely pairing with less than a week ll election day. the blunt governor is one of mitt romney's staunchest supporters with his state facing a rebuilding christie is would be w.the president's help. >> he's worked closely with me this, is our sixth conversation since weekend. it's been a great working relationship. >> mitt romney can't afford to
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sit out another day. today he was in florida. he struck a more subdued optimistic tone. >> this is a turning point in american history. >> only one fleeting rever yens to the president. >> time to take a new path of bold aggressive change. >> vice president biden where latest polls show races tightened. a poll shows the race is tied nationally but in interviews 78% rated the president's response to the hurricane as excellent or good. we'll have a political analyst from san jess yeah state, professor melinda jackson will sort it out.
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>> i can tell you rain is on the way in parts of the bay area, you can see clearly here on live doppler 7. much of the north bay blanketed with rain. it hasn't become heavy and wide spread but becoming wide spread. it continues to sweep south and soon will be next couple hours or so. should be pushing beyond golden gate into san francisco. and parts of the east bay we're going to have wet weather tonight. tomorrow, lingering showers. remnants of sandy nice and dry. showers up the pacific northwest. state of california spotty showers with mainly dry, mild, here in the bay area we'll see lingering showers tomorrow morning. that front continues to sweep out of here. by afternoon we'll see partly sunny skies. it won't be a lot milder tomorrow but will be drying
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out at least. we'll have a spectacular weekend coming our way. >> this is the special parade extra edition. parade goers snapping this up downtown today. >> that is cool. are you hanging on to that? >> i wish i could. it belongs to the news director. >> it's just another long term future. and just ahead disney haunted mention for sale. >> i'll answer your questions coming up next. >> coming up a principal standing trial for not telling what she knew about a grade schoolteacher.
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mike yim finney is here and the first question comes from scott h. he asks how dark with a car or truck window be tinted? what agency polices this? this is interesting. it's different in different states. >> it is different. most states including here in
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california do not allow that. here is what you can do. on the back of the car, back glass or side windows for back seat, you can do anything you want to. that is why you can see all metal. do whatever you want. getting to the windshield then an officer has to be able to see inside of the car. now, does that sound a bit vague? >> yes. >> it is. that is how it's written. they've got to be able to see in. who enforces this? whichever police officer pulls you over for having too dark of windows. by the way get this, if the car is from arizona and you're from arizona they can still bust you here for it. >> okay. so if you've moved from arizona and worried take it off you probably should. garnett asks this question. my landlord will not remove a tree covered in fungus and a 12 foot limb is breaking off. it's in danger of falling on myself or house.
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what can i do? >> i've had this landlord before. look. here is the deal. they have to make sure your property is safe and liveable by law. problem how do you define that? it doesn't get defined until that falls on you or your car or your apartment. the bottom line is that you're not going to be able to make them do a thing. you can call up the city government. good luck with that. i want to say virgin america is offering 20% off many routes to fly out of san francisco. you must fly between november and mid december. and offer expires at 11:59 tonight. get in on this. >> 20% off. >> yes. >> where are we going? >> yes. >> vegas. >> still to come here is the question. real? or fake? amazing pictures coming out of sandy. which are gene genuine?
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which are not? >> here is a look at what is ahead. >> tonight on world news brand new pictures from the storm zone. roof top rescues and reporting again tonight from the town in a race against time. you will hear the gas pipe leaking all around people as they fear someone will light a match. and dr. richard beser out today testing drinking water. it will be helpful to anyone including in the bay area facing the storm.
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during a crisis like sandy, social media have become places to go for information but also for pranksters. >> a lot of people manipulate photos and post phony photos. taking a look at what is real, what is fake.
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sandy's destructive march produced more than its share of stunning images. stacking up, some clever jokes but others real photographs. of the wrong storms. >> with the imagery, manhattan seemed an easy target. screens of a city from a destroyed city from disaster movies such as deep impact or the day after tomorrow. and real flood waters ravaged new york transit system there is a shot of a scuba diver amid a flurry of images that seem impossible but aren't. a tanker on a beach in statten island. cars floating out of a parking garage in greenwich village ask don't forget the shark. but these photos of can't be
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real? okay. they're not. but according to george parsons, they could be. >> possibility is there. my advice is to go and go visit one of my favorite establishments there. >> okay. >> hard to tell. >> yes. >> it's not disney's haunted mansion but it looks like it. >> yes. it's a spooky haunted mansion. it's a replica down to porch and iron work. this is for sale. the owner built the structure in 1996 using blue presents from disney. it includes an image one of the hitchhiking ghosts from the original attraction in a bathroom mirror. >> wooo sclam. thanks for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. >> now we want to leave with you a time lapse look at the giants parade today. there it is.
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>> all of those people on market street. it's hard to pick out. it's moving along quickly there. >> more highlights still to come at 5:00 and 6:00 it begins right now. dan and cheryl. >> thank you. san francisco throws a party for world champions. we have live team kumpbl with highlights on the parade route and rally. plus, a look at the grind getting out of the city tonight. i'm sandhya patel. picking up rain in the north bay. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> also tonight a south bay principal goes to court for something involving a teacher she never reported to police.
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>> a sea of orange confetti. the city throws world champions a victory parade. >> they gave a performance that did not disappoint fans. they call that a slow clap. good evening, i'm dan ashley. >> we're going to have more on the giants parade in just a moment. but first let's check on the forecast. >> i want to show you live doppler 7. rain moves into the north bay. we have our own radar on mount st. helena. you'll see it's


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